
Minimum Wage to Increase from 1 July 2024

On 3 June 2024, the Fair Work Commission announced a 3.75% increase to the minimum award wages and the National Minimum Wage. Accordingly, on and from 1 July 2024:

  • the minimum wages in modern awards will be increased by 3.75%; and
  • the National Minimum Wage will be increased from $23.23 per hour (or $882.80 per week) to $24.10 (or 915.90 per week).

Employees covered by an award or registered agreement are entitled to the minimum pay rates set out in the relevant instrument. Employees who are not covered by an award or registered agreement are entitled to receive the National Minimum Wage. This is the minimum pay rate provided by the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth).

Employees covered by a registered agreement may also receive a pay increase, as the base rate(s) in a registered agreement cannot be less than the base rate in the relevant award.

For more information or assistance with these changes or wage compliance generally please contact our employment team on (07) 3324 0323.

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