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Approved Managers – Is your hotel up to date?

This article originally appeared in QHA Review magazine, July 2018 edition

As most hoteliers would be aware, certain licensed premises are required to have an individual licensee or Approved Manager present or reasonably available during ordinary trading hours of 10.00am and 12 midnight and approved extended trading hours between 7.00am and 10.00am.

In the conduct of business for hotels, the Approved Manager is responsible for ensuring that liquor is supplied or possessed on the premises only in accordance with the authority conferred by the licence or permit.

An Approved Manager is ‘present’ at the premises if the Approved Manager is at the premises acting in the capacity of an Approved Manager and is in control of the premises. An Approved Manager is ‘reasonably available’ if the Approved Manager is readily contactable by each person involved in the service and supply of liquor at the premises and the time reasonably needed for the Approved Manager to travel to the premises is not more than one hour.

In order to be granted an Approved Manager Licence the applicant must complete a Responsible Management of Licensed Venues (RMLV) training course. RMLV training is mandatory for all individual licensees, nominees and applicants for an Approved Manager Licence in Queensland. RMLV training was developed to reduce the negative impact of poor management practices on the community. The course provides details of the law and liquor licensing requirements as well as a range of management strategies to assist operators in the responsible conduct of their business. RMLV courses are available through QHA training.

An Approved Manager Licence is valid for five years, however the RMLV training component needs to be completed every three years in order to meet mandatory training requirements.

It is important that both licensees and Approved Managers are aware of the expiration date of their Approved Manager Licence and have ensured that their RMLV certificate is up to date and current. The obligation is on any Approved Manager to ensure the RMLV certificate and Approved Manager Licence are kept current, however, licensees need also be aware of the requirements to have an up to date and licensed Approved Manager on site or reasonably available during the hours mentioned above.

To apply for an Approved Manager Licence the applicant must complete the RMLV training course and send a photocopy of the training certificate along with the completed application for liquor and gaming individual employees (Form 82) and application fee to the OLGR. Renewing an Approved Manager Licence can be done online through the Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation (OLGR) website.

At an OLGR inspection, officers may ask your Approved Manager to produce an RMLV certificate and RSA certificates for all staff. With compliance at the forefront of many hotels’ operations, it is important that your venue is ready for any unannounced inspections.

If you have any queries in relation to this issue or need assistance with Approved Manager applications or renewals for your venue, please contact our team.

“The content of this publication is for reference purposes only. It is current at the date of publication. This content does not constitute legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. Legal advice about your specific circumstances should always be obtained before taking any action based on this publication.”
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