Mullins Lawyers has temporarily relocated to Level 34, 111 Eagle Street, Brisbane City, QLD 4000

Pubs & Restaurants

Liquor and Gaming Law Experts

Queensland’s a lively place to do business in the pubs and restaurants industry. We like to live well – and people continue to move here to enjoy what Queensland has to offer.

Our gaming industry is considered relatively underdeveloped by interstate and overseas investors; while the coupling of retail liquor to on-premise licences means significant competition for these assets. It’s not all plain sailing, however, as venues navigate a legislative framework designed to minimise harm and uphold security in entertainment areas.

All-in-One Service for Pubs and Restaurants

No other law firm in Australia provides the same level of all-in-one service to pubs and restaurants. Mullins’ strong relationships with government regulators and unrivalled experience in the liquor and gaming sector has been developed over 30 years.

From greenfield applications and integrated developments, to liquor and gaming compliance and employment advice. We have experts in all of these (and other) fields, working together to ensure the best outcomes for our pub and restaurant clients.

Our clients have all bases covered when it comes to food, alcohol and entertainment. We work with individual restaurateurs and café owners; to large corporations with multiple sites and development interests providing advice on:

  • All aspects of greenfield site development
  • Compliance issues
  • Construction contracts
  • Contracts and disputes
  • Detached bottle shop applications
  • Employment law
  • Gaming machine site licences, variations, extensions, increases in EGMs
  • Interactions with Councils
  • Interactions with the Regulator
  • Liquor licence applications, variations, extensions, transfers
  • Management agreements
  • Planning and environment law
  • Policy development and compliance
  • Property transactions, leasing and sub-letting
  • Purchase and sale of licenced premises
  • Structural advice
  • Succession