As featured in the latest edition of Bowler Magazine
While Queensland bowls clubs must navigate strict liquor licence regulations regarding minors, there are some occasions when young guests can safely enjoy the club. Hosting events like birthday parties and youth tournaments can strengthen community ties, inspire future bowlers, and create a welcoming environment for all ages, while supporting the sport’s growth. As a licensed venue, understanding these guidelines ensures your club remains a welcoming and compliant space for all members of the community.
The rule and the exemptions
In Queensland, minors are prohibited from being on licensed premises unless they have a valid exemption. Penalties may apply to the minor, staff, approved manager, and licensee for this offence.
Common exemptions include minors who are:
- in the company of a responsible adult who is responsibly supervising the minor;
- employed by the licensee or are receiving training;
- eating a meal on the premises;
- staying in accommodation on the premises;
- attending a function at the premises;
- permitted on the premises per the club’s rules;
- permitted on the premises for another purpose approved by the Commissioner.
These exemptions will not apply to the extent that your club’s licence limits or removes these common exemptions. Some club licences may permit minors to approach the bar to purchase, for example, a soft drink. You should refer to your licence to confirm if there are any specific exemptions or requirements for minors at your premises. If you wish to make changes to your licence, you will need to make an application to the Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation.
To ensure minors are safe, it’s crucial that they are supervised by a responsible adult. Whether they’re eating a meal, attending a function, or simply spending time with family, proper supervision ensures their safety and enjoyment while maintaining the club’s legal responsibilities.
If your venue offers a children’s play area it should not be located adjoining or within the direct line of sight of the gaming machine area. If your venue offers child minding facilities, you must have a management plan that provides for suitable standards of care in accordance with relevant child care legislation and ensures that children are not left for extended periods of time.
Underage and all-ages events
As a liquor licensee, you can hold underage or all-ages events on your premises with approval from the Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation. Applications must be lodged a minimum of 21 days prior to the event to be considered, and permission may be granted subject to a number of conditions.
Checking ID
When welcoming minors, it’s important to check identification to confirm age and ensure that the rules are being followed. Acceptable forms of ID include:
- a photo ID card;
- an Australian driver licence or learner permit (including a QLD, SA and NSW digital licence);
- a foreign driver licence;
- a passport from any country;
- a recognised proof-of-age card.
You are still legally required to check ID for underage and all-ages events to ensure minors don’t buy or drink alcohol on the licensed premises.
It is good practice to check the ID of anyone who appears under 25 when purchasing or consuming alcohol at your venue. This helps ensure compliance with liquor licensing laws and prevents the sale of alcohol to minors.
Penalties for non-compliance
As a liquor licensee, you’re responsible for both your actions and your staff’s. If a non-exempt minor is on your premises, you, your staff, and the approved manager can all be liable for offences. Penalties include fines up to $16,130, or $80,650 for supplying alcohol to minors. To prevent prosecution, ensure staff are trained in ID checking and RSA, and display clear signage. Repeated offences may lead to license suspension.
Seek an expert's opinion
If you’re aiming to grow your bowls club with all-age inclusivity and need guidance on compliance, we strongly recommend you consult an experienced professional for tailored advice.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me on 07 3324 0353 if I can assist you with this.