
Sticks and Stones

Football Codes, particularly regarding bodily contact, have evolved remarkably over time, weeding out intentional physical contact and the like from acceptance within the sport. Players’ well-being and social change are partially to thank; however, codes have since evolved to include offensive language, leaving what constitutes an offensive comment and who will be enforcing the consequences of said conduct ill-defined.

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Reporting obligations under the National Integrity Framework

Currently, over 80 sports have signed up to the National Integrity Framework (NIF) via their national sporting organisation (NSO). With this registration comes responsibilities that many member and affiliate sporting entities may not be fully aware of, such as Sport Integrity Australia’s (SIA) reporting requirements. Those entities should familiarise themselves with their NSO’s policies and the policies present on SIA’s website to be fully informed of their obligations.

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Concussion in Sport – Developments

Earlier this year in the Victorian Supreme Court, former Richmond player Ty Zantuck won the right to sue Richmond Football Club for compensation over debilitating back and brain injuries, successfully arguing an exception to the statute of limitations relating to injuries. This landmark decision forecasts heavily scrutinised reviews of the existing concussion management protocols in Australian sport, currently a trending topic in sports law.

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Early Investigation and Your Business: How Contemporaneous Investigation Can Save You Headaches in the Future

Early Investigation and Your Business: How Contemporaneous Investigation Can Save You Headaches in the Future

On 20 October 2022, the Supreme Court in Rockhampton handed down a judgement in Graham v State of Queensland, finding an injured worker’s Notice of Claim for Damages (NOCD) to be compliant even when it had few details of how the injury was suffered.

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