
On-charging costs of reselling retirement village units – doubts over latest Regulatory Guideline

The Queensland Department of Housing recently released its latest Regulatory Guideline (Guideline), dealing with the costs retirement village operators may charge former residents when reselling their units. While the Guideline provides useful clarification, one statement should be treated with caution, as it does not appear to be supported by its parent legislation.

On-charging costs of reselling retirement village units – doubts over latest Regulatory Guideline Read More »

Shopping mall

Safe systems of repetitive work: rotate and rest. Win or lose?

Two Queensland District Court decisions handed down in late February 2024 provide an opportunity to review the Court’s approach to considering liability in claims involving repetitive strain injuries. The judgment in Hunt v ALDI Foods Pty Limited trading as ALDI [2024] QDC 15 was delivered by Sheridan DCJ in the District Court of Brisbane on

Safe systems of repetitive work: rotate and rest. Win or lose? Read More »

Factors to consider when a business carries out redundancies

Redundancy – an unfortunate yet (sometimes) necessary action. Simply put, redundancy is when a business no longer needs an employee’s role to be done by anyone. Despite how common the process is, businesses aren’t always aware of their obligations under the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) (FW Act). Failure to comply gives rise to significant

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Employer’s gender pay equity reporting obligations – results published

This morning the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA) published private sector employer gender pay gaps in accordance with recent legislative reforms. Australian private sector employers with 100 or more employees must report to the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA) on six Gender Equality Indicators each year by law.  The gender equality indicators are: gender composition

Employer’s gender pay equity reporting obligations – results published Read More »

Pub Transactions Part II

As featured in the latest edition of Bowler Magazine I mentioned in my previous article that many clients ask me how they can progress a pub transaction with convenience and ease. Once the parties have entered into a short form heads of agreement which outlines the fundamental commercial terms of the deal, the next step

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