Case Summary

Court rules against allegations of bullying in pure psychiatric injury case

Ms Robertson (the Plaintiff) was an endorsed enrolled Nurse (EEN) at the Gold Coast Hospital who alleged that her colleagues – most of whom were registered nurses (RNs) – had badgered, bullied and mobbed her at work during 2011 and 2012. The Plaintiff claimed that this caused her a psychiatric injury and consequent loss of

Court rules against allegations of bullying in pure psychiatric injury case Read More »

Nurse awarded damages after incident involving patient in Emergency Department

In the recent Cairns District Court decision of Armstrong-Waters v State of Queensland [2020] QDC 66 Judge Morzone QC DCJ found that the employer had breached its duty of care to its employee Mr Armstrong-Waters, a 53 year old male registered nurse, who claimed damages for a psychiatric injury and minor physical injuries after an

Nurse awarded damages after incident involving patient in Emergency Department Read More »

Is it a crime to work? A case study of WorkCover fraud

On the advice of Mullins, WorkCover Queensland referred a worker pursuing a common law damages claim to the Workers’ Compensation Regulator (the Regulator) for fraud. Recently the worker pleaded guilty to several offences, received a conviction and deferred prison sentence, and was ordered to repay significant costs to both WorkCover Queensland and the Regulator. The

Is it a crime to work? A case study of WorkCover fraud Read More »

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