Case Summary

Can a worker pursue a claim in one State when an injury occurs in another?

Many employers in Queensland have employees that are required to work in more than one State, whether because of the nature of the job (i.e. long-haul transport) or because the employer has premises in more than one State. When this is the case, it is important to understand which jurisdiction will apply if a worker […]

Can a worker pursue a claim in one State when an injury occurs in another? Read More »

Fact check: why the Court denied Sheralee Macgowan’s application for further provision

In the recent decision of Macgowan v Klatt [2019] QSC 222, Natalie Silvester, Associate of Mullins recently acted for Michael Klatt, Partner of Mullins, (Michael) in his capacity as Administrator of the Estate of the late Kenneth Hamish Macgowan (Ken). Michael is regularly appointed by the Supreme Court of Queensland (SCQ) as an independent administrator

Fact check: why the Court denied Sheralee Macgowan’s application for further provision Read More »

Refusal of liquidators’ right of indemnity for unsuccessful Court Proceedings

The recent decision of the Victorian Court of Appeal in Re McDermott and Potts in their capacities as joint and several liquidators of Lonnex Pty Ltd (in liquidation) [No. 2] [2019] VSCA 62 serves as a timely reminder to practitioners to keep cost considerations front of mind when determining whether or not to commence legal

Refusal of liquidators’ right of indemnity for unsuccessful Court Proceedings Read More »

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