Client Solution

Successfully negotiating with local council leads to development application success

After his parents passed away when he was 15, my client left school to take over operation of the family poultry farm. His goal was to establish a very large poultry farm, and he set about finding the right property. He located an appropriate piece of land and made a development application to start the […]

Successfully negotiating with local council leads to development application success Read More »

Detailed understanding of client’s history enables reunification of family in Australia

I was approached by a woman who was afraid her husband was going to be deported due to overstaying his Australian visa. Years prior, the couple had met online and formed a relationship. He initially came to Australia on a three-month Visitor Visa. The couple then married, she fell pregnant and life got busy. Time

Detailed understanding of client’s history enables reunification of family in Australia Read More »

Specialist expertise assists religious institute in successful membership structuring

In circumstances where their membership numbers were dwindling, a religious institute affiliated with the Catholic Church sought my advice about how they should structure their relationships with members who wish to make commitments to their institute as associates but not full members. Catholic religious institutes enjoy autonomous self-government and giving advice required detailed knowledge of

Specialist expertise assists religious institute in successful membership structuring Read More »

Protecting my client’s intellectual property in a joint venture

My client was interested in developing a joint venture with a technology partner. The priorities were to secure the relevant background IP (contributed by each party), document the arrangements (ownership and use of newly created IP), and determine how services and management of the new business would be commercialised. Dealing with these issues – maximising

Protecting my client’s intellectual property in a joint venture Read More »

Sporting club lease to retirement village operator creates diversified income stream

I was recently approached by a large sporting club that wanted to grant a long-term site lease of part of its land for a developer to construct a 300 unit multi-stage retirement village and aged care facility. The club’s aim was to realise immediate land value and create an ongoing revenue stream to diversify its

Sporting club lease to retirement village operator creates diversified income stream Read More »

End-to-end legal assistance on hotel sale results in financial success for client

I was approached by an international investor syndicate who were looking to divest one of their hotel investments in North Queensland. The work involved negotiating favourable contract terms, dealing with licensing issues and keeping the transaction progressing to a successful settlement. Having worked in property and with hoteliers for many years, I was able to

End-to-end legal assistance on hotel sale results in financial success for client Read More »

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