Client Solution

Leasing, liquor and gaming: complex transaction comes together for client’s greenfield site

My client was acquiring a leasehold interest in an existing tavern business and neighbouring greenfield liquor barn site with all necessary regulatory approvals in place to enable construction and subsequent operation of a liquor store. It was a complex transaction, with four parties involved – the vendor of the existing tavern business, the owner of […]

Leasing, liquor and gaming: complex transaction comes together for client’s greenfield site Read More »

Tackling online defamation of my client’s business

Speaking to an acquaintance at a networking event, they mentioned to me that another party had established a pejorative website targeting their organisation (www.bewareof[theirname].com). It was really costing their business, affecting sales and causing a lot of angst with staff and distributors. Even worse, their existing lawyers had said there was nothing they could do

Tackling online defamation of my client’s business Read More »

Specialist insight resolves estate dispute and provides equitable distribution to clients

In a recent case, children whose father had died came to me seeking an equitable distribution of his estate. Their mother had died some years earlier leaving her whole estate to the father. The father had since remarried a created a new Will, leaving the bulk of his assets to his new wife and very

Specialist insight resolves estate dispute and provides equitable distribution to clients Read More »

Combining legal and specialist tax advice for executor clients to avoid estate insolvency

I worked with clients who were the executors of their father’s estate – they came to Mullins as they were dissatisfied with the service provided by their previous lawyer. They were involved in a dispute with one of their siblings who had effective control over a related family trust. The trust owed money to the

Combining legal and specialist tax advice for executor clients to avoid estate insolvency Read More »

Successful Court of Appeal challenge overturns client’s liquor licence sanctions

A licensee client was fined and had its liquor licence conditioned by the regulator in circumstances the licensee felt were unjustified. The licensee had made significant efforts to go above and beyond its legislative obligations. Despite this, a substantial number of allegations, some very serious, were made against the licensee’s company, supported by a significant

Successful Court of Appeal challenge overturns client’s liquor licence sanctions Read More »

Assisting a government owned power company to build a transmission tower over protected land

During my time working for a government owned corporation, and as part of the connection of Queensland into the National Electricity Grid, I was required to negotiate with Traditional Owners to permit the building of a transmission line through land that contained extremely sensitive Aboriginal Cultural Heritage. The approach I took was to engage with

Assisting a government owned power company to build a transmission tower over protected land Read More »

Protecting the financial interests of developer client while maintaining relationship with troubled subcontractor

A developer client was owed large sums of money by a subcontractor who needed an immediate injection of cash to remain liquid and complete work on my client’s property development. My client needed guidance on the structure of a loan and securities package to protect their investment and mitigate risk in the event of the

Protecting the financial interests of developer client while maintaining relationship with troubled subcontractor Read More »

Lawful contract termination saves client from overpriced purchase

I was approached by another law firm whose client had entered into a longer-term contract to buy a pub but no longer wanted to proceed as the property was substantially overpriced. In reviewing the contract I picked up on several deficiencies regarding liquor and gaming issues. Ultimately, this became the strategy to lawfully terminate the

Lawful contract termination saves client from overpriced purchase Read More »

Deed of Appropriation protects executor clients and ensures appropriate asset distribution

Clients of mine were executors of an estate in which the two children involved did not wish to co-own assets. My clients needed advice about their options. Did the assets have to be sold? Could they be transmitted to beneficiaries? If so, how this could be achieved? I prepared a Deed of Appropriation covering all

Deed of Appropriation protects executor clients and ensures appropriate asset distribution Read More »

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